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Padua Power Management

Wealth ManagementFor Entrepreneurs

Complete a Power Plan to receive a personal invitation to join Power Management.

What is Wealth Management?

Imagine you own a successful lemonade stand. But all your money is tied up in the stand – the lemons, sugar, and cups. This is similar to how an owner’s wealth can be tied up in their business.

A wealth manager is like a well-informed friend who helps you invest some of your earnings elsewhere, so all of your lemons aren’t in one basket.

At Padua Financial, we are that friend, and we can help you with your money in three ways:

1. Growing your personal wealth: Start investing your extra money in things like annuities or stocks. This can help your wealth increase over time, like having multiple branches growing on a tree.

2. Protecting hard-earned money: What if a storm blows over your lemonade stand? We’ll help with insurance to protect you from unexpected expenses, like a financial umbrella for those rainy days.

3. Planning for the future: Maybe you dream of retiring someday on a warm beach or leaving your business to your family, so they can keep the legacy going! (or both) Leave it to us.

It's like having a coach for your money

Remember, we’re here to guide you, but the final decisions are always yours. 

What to Expect From Power Management

We'll help you to set goals, create plans, make smart choices to grow your wealth over time and then preserve it for generations to come.

Diverse Investments

We'll help you choose outside investments to reduce putting all your eggs in one basket.

Retirement Planning

We'll help figure out how much you need to save to retire comfortably, considering your business income.

tax Planning

We'll help you find legal ways to pay less in taxes and keep more money in your pocket.

Estate Planning

We'll help plan what happens to your money/business after you pass away so loved ones are taken care of.

Business Succession

We'll help you create a plan to smoothly hand over your business to someone when you're ready to retire.

Year-round maintenance and support without fuss

Answers to unique questions

Sometimes business negotiations or investment curiosities need instant answers. Good thing we’re on a first-name basis. That means you can make a quick call whenever you need helpful financial advice. 

annual power plan update

Goals change as your life changes. Annual updates are included so that we can recalibrate your finances along the way. If it’s a new business or something bigger, we’ll help make it a priority within your financial planning.

access to dedicated specialists

Attorneys, credit repairers, mortgage experts, you name it. If you need expertise outside of our specialty, we’ll introduce you to a professional at a discounted rate, who’s done right by us and our clients consistently.

You work hard to make your business successful.

But what about your own financial success?

That's where Power management comes in.

Padua Power Management vS Traditional Wealth Management

With Power Plan, we lay the groundwork for Financial Freedom.

With Power Management, we help you achieve it.


complete Power Plan

Work with a seasoned financial professional to build the foundation for a more secure future.


Join Power Management

Receive an exclusive invitation to join Power Management upon completion of the Power Plan.

It's Time to Make Your Money Work as Hard as You Do.

Growing a business is tough but imagine if growing your wealth wasn’t. Power Management helps invest your extra cash, so it works for you, not the other way around. With Padua Financial Services, you can make the most of your money, manage risks, and create a lasting financial legacy.

Avoiding Mistakes is Easy When You have an Expert in Your Contact List

Say goodbye to the errors of DIY efforts, the frustration of poor investments, and the endless hours of organizing finances. Reclaim your time and your peace of mind by delegating the heavy lifting to seasoned professionals.